Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Spirit of Sedna Wins Finalist in 2023 Best Book Awards

      When you read a great book, you don’t escape from life, you plunge deeper into it.”                                                                                                               ~ Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending

     "The times we live in require no less than a revolution of consciousness. Our planet and its people are in crisis. As citizens of the Earth, we each need to rise above the suffering and align with divine love and the sacred intelligence of nature to heal ourselves and our Mother Earth." 

   Spirit of Sedna: Oracle for a New Consciousness has been recognized as an award-winning Finalist in the Health: Alternative Medicine category of the 2023 Best Book Awards. Inspired by the wisdom of the indigenous Inuit culture, Spirit of Sedna is a guide for embracing your health issues and life difficulties as a vehicle for raising your consciousness. 

    Through 36 oracle cards and a 70-page guidebook based on the mythology of Inuit goddess Sedna, DuPree shares her extensive knowledge in holistic health and spirituality from over thirty years of experience as a holistic nurse and traditional naturopath. Each colorful card depicts a core concept paired with a transformational affirmation. With thought-provoking insights and practical exercises, Spirit of Sedna guides readers on a transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. 

View the trailer below: 

    Best Book Awards, one of the world's largest international book award programs, honors mainstream, indie and self-published titles from such authors as Pope Francis, Amy Tan, Anne Lamott, Julie Andrews and Vanessa Williams. 

      Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded at the top of this article for ANY purchase. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

 Heidi DuPree, RN, ND is an internationally acclaimed author and energy healing entrepreneur. Holding degrees in both nursing and traditional naturopathy, Heidi lifts people around the world out of turmoil and into a higher vibration of peace and harmony through her award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

How to Spot a Healing Scam

          "Good things take time, as they should. We shouldn't expect good things to happen overnight. Actually, getting something easily or too soon can cheapen the outcome."                                                    ~ John Wooden, A Game Plan for Life

     Recently a reader reached out to me asking my opinion on whether a healing organization was legit. Perhaps you would also like to know more about how to spot a healing scam. 

     From my decades of experience working as an energy healing practitioner, and authoring two award-winning energy healing books, I personally would be leery of any organization or individual that...

  • organized around the healing abilities of a single person who is elevated to guru level or saint-like status. These can be personality cults promoting an idealized image of a healer.
  • miraculous cures that they alone can provide.
  • ...creates exclusivity by requiring one to become a financial donor to qualify for "advanced" membership for access to "elite" healing classes.
  • ...has attracted a huge social media following through flashy pictures and trite messages with little substance behind it. 
  • ...causes disempowerment by suggesting someone or something outside of yourself holds the power to heal you.
  • their way is the only true path.
  • ...sells objects or spells purported to have magical healing powers that require no action on your part. 
  • ...incites fear and urgency over what will happen if you don't purchase their product or service.
     If you are suffering, the idea of a passive, miraculous cure can be very appealing. But the promise of miraculous healing is akin to a "get rich quick" scheme. Do people get rich quickly? Yes, if they win the lottery or their product goes viral -  both highly unlikely. Do people experience miracle cures? Yes, but that is also unlikely. Sometimes healing can happen in the form of a quantum jump -- a sudden leap from one state of being to another, with no discernible process in between. But usually a quantum jump occurs within the context of a longer process, similar to the saying, "It was an overnight success ten years in the making!" 

     Here are some basic premises of how healing works:
  • Healing is a transformational process, not a destination.
  • Healing is the process of shedding the lower self and shifting to your higher self - who you really are.
  • Becoming your authentic self can be a lifelong process.
  • Healing is governed by natural laws
  • Healing occurs through consistent action over time.
  • Healing unfolds in a safe space facilitated by a trusted guide.
  • Healing works best when you are an active participant in the process.
  • Healing happens from the inside-out when your natural inner healing forces are activated.
  • Healing is a function of raising energetic frequency and enhancing energetic flow, which can require releasing belief patterns and self-concepts that disrupt your energy and lower your frequency. 
  • Healing is a process that often includes exploring your shadow. 
  • Your healing process is unique to you and may not look like the process of anyone else. 
Popularity Does NOT Equal Legitimacy!

     It is human nature to assume that if your friends and family members trust a certain person, organization or product -- then it must be legit. Peer pressure is real, a fact that scammers count on it.  It can be very challenging to NOT join in what others are flocking to. But what is drawing your friends and family to unscrupulous individuals and organizations can be an appeal to their lower self, or ego. 

     Developing your power of discernment by listening to your intuition is often a trial and error process. We learn from our mistakes. Many times in my life, people have recommended an individual, a program or a product that I didn't get a good feeling about. In each instance, something felt off, but I joined in anyway. Years later -- when these individuals, programs or products were exposed as not being who or what they claimed to be -- my initial intuition was validated. I have found one of the keys to happiness is trusting your gut instincts. Your instincts come through your higher self and help guide you to what is authentic and of a high vibration. 

      Healers are often highly sensitive empaths, and roughly 70% of sensitives are introverts. But even though the majority of healers (and writers) are introverted, they can be overlooked in favor of popular extroverts. Individuals and organizations that are popular don't necessarily offer higher quality, they are simply more successful at getting attention! If something feels off, trust that feeling. 

     For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, go to my website to opt-in for a monthly energy report, to receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

  Thank you for supporting this blog by using the Amazon link embedded at the top of this article for ANY purchase. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Why I Quit My Public Social Media...and 4 Ways to Take Your Power Back From Yours

         "Illuminate the things that are vying for your time, your energy and your love that leave you feeling empty. Seek liberation from the bindings that are keeping you trapped and untether yourself."                                    ~ The Devil Card, The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

      I use oracle cards and tarot cards as divination tools, conducting readings for myself on a regular basis. These tools are an ancient practice for facilitating spiritual guidance used by those seeking knowledge and inspiration.

     Last year the Devil card began consistently appearing in my card spreads. In Tarot, the Devil card is associated with addiction -- the vices we use to escape the mundane like alcohol, drugs, work, codependent relationships, etc. I don't engage in any of those vices, so I wasn't sure what the card was speaking to. Nevertheless, the Devil card continued to show up in my readings. And then it dawned on me...

  • Addictive & Time Draining. The truth is, I had become addicted to social media and its empty promises of business success and personal connection. I would lose literally hours of my day scrolling through feeds in a numbed-out trance. Social media is designed to be addictive. The more time you spend on it, the more advertising you are exposed to, and the more money the social media platform makes. 

  • Energy Draining. I have to admit that the first thing I did when I woke up in the morning, before I even got out of bed, was check my social media feeds. What you do in the first moments of your day sets the direction of your energy. By going straight to social media, I was setting my day in a direction of energy drain and low energetic frequency. 
  • Distracting. Social media scatters your energy and can keep you stuck on the surface by distracting you, feeding your ego or playing on your fears. By doing so it drowns out your inner, intuitive voice and diverts you from your purpose. 
  • Compare & Despair. Social media creates peer pressure, invites comparisons, and fosters insecurity. I felt continual pressure to post, and at times was triggered into feeling "not good enough." 
Take Your Power Back

     Whether or not you decide to delete or quit your social media accounts, you can take your power back by restructuring your time and undoing the negative energetic effects of social media. 

  • Set Intention. The first moments of your day are a precious time for meditation and intention-setting. You can take control of your energy and your life by making a list of what you are grateful for and saying affirmations. Here are 4 Steps to Setting Intention.
  • Seek Depth. Instead of maintaining a large number of superficial relationships on social media, try focusing on quality over quantity by deepening one relationship in your life, or going deep with one spiritual practice. 
  • Focus your Energy.  If you don't delete or leave your social media accounts, try deleting the apps you use to access your accounts. If you have to sign in manually, you are less likely to use them, leaving more energy available to invest in your growth and evolution. Here are tips for How to be More Focused and Present.
  • Raise your Energetic Frequency. Using practices such as deep breathing for ten minutes at a time, engaging in healing movement, and spending time in nature all raise your energetic frequency and offset the low-frequency effects of social media.
     In the months since I quit my public social media accounts, the Devil card has not appeared a single time in my tarot card spreads! It's amazing how much more productive I've been, and how much my growth has accelerated once I was untethered and liberated from the addiction of social media. 
* * * * * *

For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, go to my website to opt-in for a monthly energy report to receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

  Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded at the top of this article for ANY purchase. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mountain Vortex: Energy Healing Guidance Oracle Cards Wins International Book Award

   “A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

    "The answers you seek can be found through illumination and opening the unexpressed parts of yourself. Welcome whatever has been hidden with unconditional love, restoring the flow of energy to every part of your being." ~ Mountain Vortex: Energy Healing Guidance Oracle Cards Guidebook
      Mountain Vortex: Energy Healing Guidance Oracle Cards has been named Winner in the Health: Alternative Medicine category of the 2021 International Book Awards. Designed, written and published during the 2020 pandemic quarantine, Mountain Vortex is a 54-card oracle deck with guidebook inspired by a series of profound visions while meditating on Grandfather Mountain in Western N.C. This oracle deck was created to assist you in:
  • developing your intuition
  • actualizing your dreams
  • raising your energetic frequencies associated with health and well-being
     The guidebook includes simple instructions on how to interpret the cards and utilize the powerful vortex energy of the Great Smoky Mountains for your own growth and healing. Let the spirit of the mountains assist you with messages that are supportive, wise, loving and empowering! View the trailer below:

     The International Book Awards honors excellence in both independent and mainstream publishing, giving readers confidence that indie titles like Mountain Vortex are comparable to traditionally-published titles from Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House and New World Library, among others. 

  Heidi DuPree, RN, ND is an internationally acclaimed author and energy healing entrepreneur. Holding degrees in both nursing and traditional naturopathy, Heidi lifts people around the world out of turmoil and into a higher vibration of peace and harmony through her award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations 

      Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded at the top of this article for ANY purchase. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Monday, May 24, 2021

4 Ways to Balance Your Fire Energy

     "...the destructive nature of fire acts as a mechanism of regeneration...melting our hearts to reseed our lives with new life." ~ Awaken Your Greater Health

     Fire energy is the energy of heat and passion. But when your fire energy is out of balance, you can have too much heat, or too little passion. When fire energy is suppressed, it can wreak internal havoc — or flare outward in anger and rage. Those who have been mistreated or abused have a tendency to fire energy imbalances. Suppressing fire energy can also create a deficiency where there is little energy or passion for life. 

     The signs that your fire energy is out of balance include: 
  • inflammation
  • anxiety
  • sleep disturbances
  • joylessness. 
     Excess fire can also cause dryness that disrupts:
  • joint lubrication
  • digestion 
  • metabolism 
       Here are four ways to balance your fire energy: 
  1. Movement. Any kind of body movement, dance or exercise helps move stagnant or suppressed fire energy — especially vigorous movement that involves shaking of the body, and moving to “fiery” music. A relaxing meditation with deep breathing after physical activity helps reset the system that caused the excess fire. 
  2.  Adventure. Any adventurous activity that involves exploring something new and inspiring helps move excess fire energy, or restore deficient fire. 
  3.  Creativity. Creative activities use up excess fire energy as fuel. For example, fire energy can be expressed through a piece of art, music or writing. 
  4.  Flame. You can work with fire energy imbalances by working with actual fire! I build small fires in a fire-proof container and send my excess fire into it to be transmuted in the flame. I burn slips of paper with affirmations for myself and my loved ones. Alchemy is the process of changing energy from one state to another, and fire is a tool of alchemy. Working with fire initiates the alchemical process. If your fire is deficient, you can intentionally draw the energy of a candle flame into your energy systems as you draw in each breath.

     For more energy healing solutions for sensitives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to sign-up for a monthly Energy Report, and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" While you are there, check out my award-winning books that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Feel Safe When Your Life Feels Like it is Falling Apart

     "Sometimes the worst thing that happens to you, the thing you think you can't's the thing that makes you better than you used to be." ~ Jennifer Weiner, Fly Away Home

     If you are a highly sensitive person, an empath, and/or a lightworker.... likely you are experiencing periods of ascension symptoms as you upgrade to higher frequency energy. This is happening for all of us who feel called to make the world a better place.  Because these upgrades in your energy systems are needed to facilitate and actualize your life purpose.

     As we grow and ascend, these energetic upgrades can at times look and feel like your life is falling apart. This can be a relationship falling apart, your financial situation falling apart, your health falling apart, your job falling apart -- or any other life situation falling apart. Or you may feel a generalized sense of disintegration that you can't attribute to any specific life event.  

     When we experience this, the inclination is often to STOP the pain and disintegration by trying to mentally figure out what is causing it, and try to hold it together. But that only serves to keep us stuck IN the falling apart stage. The way THROUGH the pain and to a sense of safety is by allowing the process to unfold and observing it. 

Getting to the Safety of the Higher Self

     What do I mean by observing? When you observe, you "watch" what is happening to you from a higher vantage point rather than being IN the falling apart. It is the lower self that is IN the falling apart. It is the higher self that is observing the falling apart. For example, if the lower self is the part that is drowning, the higher self is the part that is in the safety of the boat, observing what is happening to the drowning part -- and throwing a life preserver.   

     Instead of being the one who is falling apart, become the one who is observing the falling apart. In fact, that's a perfect affirmation. Say it out loud with me:

I am the one observing the falling apart
    Here's the most important part of observing: Observe free of any agenda.

This means:
  • Observe free of any expectations. 
  • Observe free of any judgment. 
  • Observe the falling apart with the same detachment as if you are watching a building demolition from a safe distance.

     It is important to shift out of looking at everything that happens to us as something "bad." The messages we receive in our dreams are not "bad." The synchronistic and serendipitous events that happen in our lives are not bad omens and warnings. Everything that is happening in this incredible shift of the ages is a miracle! Shifting out of fear-based eyes and looking through the eyes of someone who recognizes daily miracles will help you see the big picture. Whatever is happening in your life, even if harsh, is exactly what is needed for you to wake up and remember why you are here, and what you came here to do.

     I am the one who recognizes miracles big and small happening in my life. 

Tips for Higher-Self Observing

     Here are some tips to help you get into higher-self mode by observing how this falling apart is affecting you on every level. 
  • Physical. What do you notice about your body? Is it tense? Where is it tense? Can you take a deep breath?
  • Mental. What do you notice about your thoughts? Are they negative? Are they spinning?
  • Emotional. What do you notice about your emotions? Are you feeling grief, anger, fear or shame? Notice the intensity. Breathe into that emotion for several minutes and notice if it changes. 
  • Spiritual.  What do you notice about your spiritual state? Can you feel a sense of connection and support? Or do you feel isolated and alone? 
     By observing your state of being, you shift to the higher-self position where support, insights and solutions flow. By observing, you are in a position to help yourself by becoming your own lifeline. By observing the falling apart, you allow the process to unfold. You allow what no longer serves your highest good to dissolve and crumble. And then the Phoenix can rise from the ashes.

     For more information about observing, read What To To When You Feel Lost

     Need more help with this issue? Guided Meditations to Awaken Your Greater Health are available for download from my Etsy store. 

 For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How to Stay Positive During Challenging Times

      "Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that will ever happen to us." ~ Nicole Reed, Ruining You  

  I belong to a number of online communities of spiritually-minded individuals. Nearly every day I see posted questions like these:

  • Help! Mercury retrograde sucks! (or other retrograding planet) When is it going to END?
  • Help! Bad stuff keeps happening to me! How can I make it STOP?
  • Help! I feel so sad and negative and can't stop crying. How do I make this GO AWAY
    It is understandable to view life circumstances negatively. But why would we want an opportunity for insights to END? Why would we want an opportunity to grow and change your life for the better to STOP? Why would we want an opportunity to release the past and welcome a new beginning to GO AWAY? 

     When we make wishes and ask for things and strive for change -- "this" is the process to wish fulfillment and change. The retrograde is the path. The "bad stuff" happening is the path. The sadness can be the path. But we label the process as bad, awful, and negative because we are in our small self. 

Small Self Perspective vs Higher Self Perspective

     The small self is the part of us that thinks small and lives small.  It's the part of us that labels our experiences as bad, awful or negative.  When we are living as our small self, our energetic frequencies are low. The key to shifting to limitless higher self energy is to embrace your process with gratitude
  • Feeling sad and negative? You are releasing grief from something that no longer serves your life. Honor your grief. Thank whatever is leaving your life for what you learned from it, and let it go. 
  • Bad stuff happening? You are not cursed. You have done nothing wrong. You are not being punished. Those thoughts come from victim consciousness. Gratitude takes you out of victim consciousness. Lightworkers and empaths often have very difficult life circumstances that facilitate their life purpose. The "bad stuff" can actually help you fulfill your soul's mission. 
  • Annoyed with a retrograde? Start a gratitude journal to record all the insights and realizations coming your way! Give it time to unfold. What looks like a loss could become a gain. 

Loss Leads to Gain

     The planet Mercury rules communication and transportation. During Mercury's retrograde, we can have issues in those areas. During a recent Mercury retrograde, my adult daughter left her cell phone (communication device) on a plane (mode of transportation) and it was stolen. You may think she would be mad at the retrograde for causing this. Believe me, she was upset. But she also knows that all is not what it seems on the surface. 

     I happen to have my daughter's old cell phone from when she upgraded to her current phone.  I used it for business along with my personal cell phone. When my daughter's current phone was stolen, it made me realize that I almost never use the 2nd phone. I was delighted to return the phone to her and eliminate an unnecessary expense from my life, and save her the cost of replacing her phone. And this is another thing that happens during retrogrades. Something from the past can reappear in our life. 

     Whatever happens -- even the "bad stuff" -- is ultimately for the highest good. 

 For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

   Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated!