Friday, July 29, 2016

How to Use Feng Shui for Healing

 "Where attention goes energy flows; Where intention goes energy flows!" ~ James Redfield, The Celestine Vision

    If you are a highly sensitiveempathic person, likely you worry about others. It can be a helpless feeling when someone you care about is going through difficulties and you can't "fix" it. We actually aren't supposed to. Each of us has our own path in life and learning experiences that move us along that path and toward our purpose. When others to try fix us, they just interfere with our growth.

     Worrying is frankly bad for your health. You can read my story about letting go of worry HERE. But you don't have to watch helplessly as someone you care about suffers. I want to share with you a Feng Shui tip that has helped me.

What is Feng Shui?

     Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese study of the movement of energy in one's environment. Our homes can be just as much a mirror of our inner energy as the people in our lives. Although I am not an expert in Feng Shui, I am an expert in energy medicine and how the state of one's energy dictates the state of one's health. And from my limited study of Feng Shui, I know that making changes in the home environment can produce positive changes in health, happiness and relationships.

     The practice of Feng Shui is governed by the bagua, an energy map of any given space. The bagua has nine "houses" that each govern a different area of your life. Making changes and enhancements in a given area can create positive movement in the corresponding area of your life. In this post, I am focusing on the center house of the bagua.

     If you look at the image of the bagua below, you will see the yin-yang symbol at the center. This is the area of harmony, health, well-being and life force. If you want to reduce your worry about loved ones, this is an area to put your attention. There are other areas of the bagua related to family and friends, but in this post I'm focusing on this one area.

Activating the Health Area

     The area of health and well-being is easy to find in your home, because it is at the center of your home! In my home, that's the foyer. First of all, make sure that area is clear of clutter and clean. To lessen worry about my loved ones, I have placed a small table in my foyer with objects and intentions. When we do something with purpose and intention, energy will flow with that intention. For example, if you place an object with an intention of love, the energy of love will flow.

     On this small table in my foyer I have arranged photographs of my loved ones. To lessen worry, I keep a light on this table 24/7, because my intention is for light to guide the lives of my loved ones at all times. This light comes from a small, candlestick-type lamp that takes a 15 watt bulb. In addition to light, the color yellow and the square shape activate this area. So I wrote affirmations for my loved ones on a square piece of yellow paper that I put on the table. Although it is not necessary to do this, it does enhance energy flow. I have also placed objects that have spiritual meaning to me and represent unconditional love.

     Here's a sample affirmation: Moment to moment, my loved ones are watched over and guided for their highest good.  All is well.

     Each time I pass by this table, I feel a sense of reassurance that my loved ones are watched over. Doing this is not only good for them, but its good for my health because it lessens worry. I hope this tip will help lessen your worry as well.

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