Monday, January 11, 2016

Why It's OK to be Sick

    "It can be eye-opening to think of some of the unrealistic expectations we hold ourselves to."  
     ~ Toni Bernhard,  How to Be Sick
     Several years ago I was scheduled to give a presentation on my new book to a group organized by a natural health consultant when I suddenly became ill and had to cancel. The natural health consultant pleaded with me to get well as soon as possible so I could still give my presentation. She sent me a string of texts about how much the participants were looking forward to meeting me and barraged me with advice on how to get better fast. But mostly, I just needed to rest! How did these text messages make me feel?  -- Pressured to get well and guilty for being sick. The underlying message seemed to be that being sick is a bad thing.

  This consultant was just responding from Western cultural beliefs where illness is seen as the enemy, ill people are seen as the victims, and health professionals as the rescuers. But this is a dysfunctional dynamic that makes people feel disempowered, shamed and guilty. I was raised with this same belief. When my left knee joint failed and had to be replaced, I felt like a failure. Especially because as a holistic RN and certified traditional naturopath, I am an expert in natural healing methods! But all health issues are part of our journey of life and present us with an opportunity to grow.

     When we are sick we are not victims and we do not need to be rescued. It is not a sign that we are deficient, not good enough or a failure. Sickness is a part of health. Health and illness are the yin-yang of life. You can't have one without the other. Illness can be the "house cleaning" that your body needs to upgrade to a higher level of health, or the catalyst to make some necessary changes in your life.

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