Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Astonishing Effects of Gratitude

     "When you become the embodiment of gratitude, think about how pure the water that fills your body will be.  When this happens, you yourself will be a beautiful, shining crystal of light."  
~ Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water     

    The positive effects of feeling gratitude on one's health and well-being have been well documented. Gratitude practices have been found to decrease stress, enhance immune function, improve alertness during the day and sleep at night, and many other health benefits.  But how does it work? 

     To illustrate, I would like to share information about a series of experiments conducted by the late Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto. In these experiments, words typed on paper were taped to containers of water. The water was subsequently frozen and the resulting crystals examined under a microscope and photographed. Below is a photo of water from a container with the words "you make me sick"

          As you can see, the frozen water is opaque and chaotic.

          Below is a photo of water from a container with the words "thank you."

          This crystal is the image of perfection with it's translucence and symmetry.

          How is this possible? Simply put, everything is energy including thoughts and words. And water holds the vibration of that energy. As the human body and our planet Earth are largely water, the implications of this study are astonishing. The energy of ugly words produces chaos and ugliness in our inner and outer world.  The energy of beautiful words produces synchrony and molecular beauty that are associated with health.

          Gratitude Practices

          To experience the power of gratitude in your life:

          -- Keep a Gratitude Journal: Write in a journal every day something you are grateful for.

          -- Find a Gratitude Partner: Ask a friend or your partner if you can share what you are grateful for each day, and ask that they share with you.

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