Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Heal Your Inner Wounds

      "Eventually, you will come to understand that loves heals everything, and love is all there is. " 
~ Gary Zukav, The Heart of the Soul

     As a clinical nurse, I treated wounds and injuries on a regular basis. But it wasn't until I became a holistic nurse and worked with clients in an online energy healing practice that I learned how to effectively heal inner wounds.

Outer Injuries vs Inner Injuries
     Inner wounds happen from life situations that injure us. You won't see any skin abrasions or broken bones from inner wounds, but that doesn't mean they hurt any less! Interestingly, our outer, visible wounds tend to heal much more quickly than our inner, invisible wounds. Why? Because we treat our visible wounds. Most inner wounds are left untreated, and worse yes we throw salt in them.

     I'm sure you wouldn't dream of putting a caustic substance into an open skin wound. But I hear people every day direct caustic words and thoughts into their inner wounds. And before I awakened, I did so as well. It's what we were conditioned to do because we see emotional pain as weakness and something to be suppressed, hidden or ridiculed.

     Most people don't even realize they have invisible inner wounds much less know how to treat them. Once you become aware of your inner wounds, you have the power to make a choice in how you treat them. You can continue to throw salt in your wounds with caustic thought-energy, or you can choose to treat them in a way that heals.

The Signs of an Inner Wound:

     The symptoms of an inner wound are the "triggers" -- that sudden feeling of anger, sadness, fear, guilt or shame that happens in response to something you hear, see or experience. These are symptoms of an inner wound. Triggers happen when you are reminded of a painful wound that you carry from the past. Here are a few examples:
  • Someone makes a disparaging remark about an organization you used to belong to and you feel a wave of anger because it touches into a wound you have of not feeling good enough.
  • You see pictures on Facebook of someone experiencing a milestone in life and you feel a wave of sadness because it touches into a wound you have from not getting to achieve that milestone yourself.
  • You go to say something in front of a group and you become tongue-tied, which produces a wave of embarrassment because it touches into a wound you have from a past public speaking experience that was humiliating.
What Heals vs What Creates Further Injury

     When we feel a strong wave of anger, sadness, fear, shame or guilt it is very uncomfortable. Usually people want that overwhelming feeling to stop as quickly as possible. What do you do to make it stop? Do you "attack" the feeling by calling yourself stupid, dumb, crazy, ridiculous, silly...or worse? Doing so is like throwing salt into the wound. These caustic thoughts actually prevent the wound from healing. In which case, the next time you are triggered, the same overwhelming negative emotions will come up. And you may attack the feeling again.

     This repeating cycle will continue unhealed until the approach is changed. Just as outer injuries may not heal properly without proper treatment, inner wounds can't heal without appropriate treatment either. What heals is loving kindness. Each time you respond to your triggers with loving kindness, it is like applying a healing salve to your inner wounds. 

     Here is an affirmation to use to help your inner wounds heal. Fill in the first blank with the emotion you are feeling:
     Even though I don't like feeling this ______, I accept myself and I choose to treat myself with loving kindness.

       For more energy healing solutions for sensitive and creative women, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning books and energy healing online courses that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

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