Thursday, October 8, 2015

Your Answers Are Within You

     "Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them. "  ~ Debbie Ford, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

     A few years ago  I had a special event coming up with nothing to wear.  I  shopped for weeks, visiting two different malls, and many department stores....but found nothing suitable. The outfit had to be conservative but still flattering, appropriate for warmer weather and fit right! Nothing seemed to fit these parameters.

     In desperation I bought some fabric and a pattern and decided to make something myself. I have sewn beautiful outfits many times before, but this time it was a disaster! There was a piece missing in the pattern that I had to create a substitute for, and the directions were confusing. After sewing all day the completed outfit didn't fit or lay right.  I had no choice but to go back to the mall and search yet again.

     As I was getting dressed for the mall, I spotted an outfit in my closet that I hadn't worn in 10 years.  OMG -- it was exactly what I'd been searching for! I tried it on and it fit perfectly and met all my parameters.

     I'd been searching for other answers in my life during that time, and the experience with the outfit reminded me that my answers are within. I can ask for the opinion of experts, but ultimately I have to make my own decisions based on my intuition and what feels right to me. 

     Is there an area of your life where you are searching for answers? Have you been allowing the opinions of others to sway you from what you know deep inside? Listen to your heart. Breathe. Sink into the stillness that lies beyond the mental chatter.  Cut through the drama to your inner wisdom. Your answer will come. Maybe from inside your own closet!

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1 comment:

  1. So True!!! Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we hold our own answers.


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