Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cracking Open Your Heart

    "There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."  ~ Leonard Cohen, Book of Longing

    As I was walking through the woods one day, the exposed trunks of trees that had been cut down caught my eye. They had a distinctive pattern of cracking from the inside that has some strong symbolism.

     Twenty-five years ago, my life cracked open from the inside through an awakening process. Everything that I thought I was, everything that I believed about myself was false.  My identity had been built on the illusion that I was a victim unworthy of love and acceptance. That cracking apart led to an amazing journey on the outside, where my career evolved from clinical nurse to energy healing practitioner -- which led to becoming an award-winning author and more recently a teacher of Energypathy Healing®.

     A few years ago, it happened again. Once more, it felt like my life was cracking apart from the inside. The illusion that was cracking apart that time was the belief that I am a shy, reclusive person, incapable of a public life, a belief incompatible with sharing the message of my books on a wider scale. It was a painful, emotional process.  But sharing about the insights I am gaining on my internal journey to greater health helps me stay in my higher self.

     How about you? Are you experiencing a cracking open from the inside in your life? This can be in the form of a health crisis, relationship crisis, career crisis, losses, heartbreak, etc.  Although it may seem like the cracking apart is happening on the outside, the real journey is internal.  What is really cracking open is your own heart. 

    We can easily lose perspective when we are in the middle of it, but don't fight the process. Allow the losses and crisis in your life to crack all the way through from inside to outside, and your inner light will be revealed. Breathe through the pain, for this is the labor to birth a new self.

     For more energy healing solutions for sensitive and creative women, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning books and programs that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

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