Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How To Be Happy!

     "The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go."   ~ Dodinsky, In the Garden of Thoughts

  Happiness is not a destination or an event. Happiness is a moment to moment choice. We become happy by choosing happy. Let me explain...

Exercising Your Power

   Each moment of your life you have the power to decide what you want to pay attention to. And what you focus on grows.  When you focus on thoughts that make you happy, you create heaven on Earth, moment to moment. When you focus on thoughts that make you feel bad, you create hell on Earth, moment to moment.

  You do not have to police your thoughts or fight your thoughts! You don't have to argue with the inner voices that say bad things to you and make you feel less than. You don't have to believe these thoughts or act on them.

   Every moment of your life you have an opportunity to exercise your power, or to give away your power - simply by making a choice about what you focus on.

    There is some truth to the classic image of an angel on one shoulder and demon on the other.  This represents your higher self and your lower self. Your higher self is the high vibrational part of you that is mature, wise, generous, loving, expansive and empowered. And your lower self is the low vibration part of you that is childish, fearful, doubtful, rigid, reactive and powerless. Listening to your higher self creates happiness. Listening to your lower self creates unhappiness.

Who do you listen to?

     When your inner lower-self voice says you don't deserve happiness, you don't have to agree with it. Observe it in a neutral state and then engage your higher self by focusing on some quality that you admire in yourself. And then feel that admiration and deservedness.

     Even though I have an inner voice that says I don't deserve happiness, I am lovable and acceptable exactly as I am and I am willing to focus on my admirable qualities. 

    When the inner lower-self voice says it's hopeless, you don't have to give your power to it by saying yes to that thought. Observe it in a neutral state of emotion, and then engage your higher self by focusing on what gives you a feeling of hope.

     Even though I have an inner voice that says it's hopeless, I am lovable and acceptable exactly as I am. I choose happiness by being willing to focus on what gives me a feeling of hope. 

   When the inner lower-self voice says it's too hard to be happy, you don't have to fight against it, argue with it, or say yes to it. That just makes it grow! Observe it in neutrality, and then engage your higher self by focusing on an area in your life where you have a feeling of ease.

     Even though I have an inner voice that says it's too hard, I am lovable and acceptable exactly as I am, and I choose happiness by being willing to focus on what gives me a feeling of ease.

Grow it or Shrink it...It's Your Choice

    When you consistently choose happiness, eventually your inner "doubting Thomas" will fade away and be barely a murmur.  Your "inner demon" will become smaller and smaller.  Disempower your inner abuser by withdrawing your energy from it. You get to decide what you want to make smaller, and what you want to make bigger. And you make that decision each moment by choosing what you focus your energy on, and what you withdraw energy from.

     Have you ever seen a toddler have a temper tantrum? When you withdraw your focus from the tantrum, guess what happens? It stops on its own! If you feed the tantrum energy by focusing on it and trying to make it stop, it explodes! When my daughter had tantrums, I would move her to the next room,  give her permission to scream and yell and kick as much as she wanted, and then close the door to give her privacy for her expression. But without an audience to focus on her tantrum and feed it energy, she no longer cared about making a fuss. Yep, you can even shrink a tantrum.

     Now that you know how to grow happiness and shrink doubt, what else would you like to grow in your inner garden? Joy? Peace?

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