Monday, May 2, 2016

Harry Potter and The Law of Attraction!

   "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."              ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

  I was watching a biography of J.K. Rowling on YouTube the other night. She is the billionaire author of the Harry Potter novels. Rowling was a single mother living on public assistance when the inspiration for the Harry Potter series struck. In the interview I watched, she said "I spent five years immersed in a character who went from complete obscurity to fame overnight. And then the same thing happened to me." This is perhaps the most stunning example of the law of attraction at work that I have ever seen. But I got the sense that Rowling was not aware that one had anything to with the other, beyond "coincidence."

Creating Your Own Story

     When Rowling completed the first Harry Potter novel, she sought a publisher - which everyone told her would be difficult. The publisher who did buy her book loved it, but advised her not to quit her day job, because "authors of children's books don't make much money." How often are we told by well-meaning friends, family and consulting professionals what the "story" is about our situation? But we don't have to accept the stories given to us about our situations.  We can create our own story.

    For the first five years that Rowling wrote, she did so in obscurity and near poverty. Rather than focusing on the stories that she was being told about how hard it would be to become an author, Rowling's focus was with the magical world she was creating through her writing. She saw this world in her mind's eye, experienced every aspect of it and felt what her characters felt. Because this is how writers write. Our descriptions come from living through our characters.

The Law of Attraction

     By focusing on Harry Potter's rags to riches story, Rowling created her own rags to riches story in a spectacular way. Because our minds cannot tell the difference between what is happening in front of us, and what is happening in our minds. What we focus on creates our reality. And that is the law of attraction.

     Unfortunately, usually friends, family and consulting professionals will tell you their story, or the story of those they know rather than supporting the creation of your story. It does not matter if 999 out of 1,000 children's book authors can't make a living writing. It does not matter what the statistics say about your situation. You do not have to "beat the odds." In physics the outcome of an event cannot be predicted no matter how many times a particular outcome has occurred in the past. You create the outcome of an event by what you focus on. If you focus on the experience of success and abundance, that is what you create.

Be the Wizard of Your Own Life

     Rowling did not expect to become famous or a millionaire (or a billionaire!). She just wanted to share the world she created with others and become a published author. If you want to change your life, change the story:
  1. Focus on what you love to do, what brings you joy and bliss, what you would do with your life if money was not an issue.
  2. Visualize the life you want, without expectation or attachment to when and how it happens. Visualize it as if it is so.
  3. Feel what it feels like in this life of your creation, as if it is reality and it will become reality.


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