Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Heal Health Anxiety

    "Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate."
           ~ Renee Jain, Tapping for Zapping Anxiety Away

     Do you have anxiety about your health? Do you tend to view your bodily symptoms as a sign of a serious or life-threatening issue? Do you worry excessively about the state of your health? I have worked with many individuals who have anxiety about their health. This type of anxiety can be caused by:
  • Being raised in a household with a caregiver who has anxiety about their health. When this behavior is modeled to us in our developing years, we can assimilate it. Sometimes we get more attention when we have health issues and then subsequently develop a belief that being sick gets you love. Having health issues then have a hidden agenda of receiving love.
  • Trauma from health issues. When you have experienced a serious or life-threatening illness, or a health issue that severely impacted your quality of life, you can become traumatized by the experience. Once your sense of safety has felt threatened, you may unconsciously become hypervigilant about your health symptoms in order to feel safe. But being hypervigilant doesn't actually make you safe. It just creates more anxiety.
  • Unresolved past life issues about health. Not everyone who was exposed to anxiety about health during childhood, or who has experienced a debilitating health issue will develop anxiety about their health. Sometimes we come into this life with unresolved issues from the past. This creates a tendency to become very anxious when health issue symptoms do appear.

The Misplaced Focus

     To the person who has anxiety about their health, their primary focus is on their symptoms. The anxious person believes that they can relieve the anxiety by repeatedly getting reassurance from a source outside themselves that their symptom is not life-threatening. Instead of relying on their own instincts and intuition, they may frequent medical practices, urgent care centers and nurse advice lines for reassurance. However, the relief they feel upon being reassured that there is nothing seriously wrong with them is temporary. Because the reassurance does not alleviate the root cause of the anxiety.

     The primary issue for a person with health anxiety is the anxiety itself, not the health symptom. Instead of looking for reassurance from an outside source, the person with anxiety is best served by looking for sources of information that will help them heal from the inside out.  Because true healing always occurs from the inside out, not from the outside in.  Being repeatedly reassured from exterior sources that your health is normal doesn't actually help you heal.  Healing happens when we can reassure ourselves from the inside by connecting with our instincts and intuition.

Internet Issues

     Individuals with health anxiety tend to look up their symptoms on the internet.  However, this can just increase their anxiety -- because no matter what your symptom is, there will always be a source on the internet that lists that symptom as a potential sign of serious illness! A person with anxiety would be better served by searching the internet for sources of information that heal their anxiety, rather than searching for their specific symptom. Information that initiates healing from within addresses the source of the issue. This will relieve the anxiety and create peace and calmness.  In a state of peace you can then connect with your instincts and intuition about the best course of action for your health. 

Sources of Healing

     Ascension. What appears to be a health issue symptom can actually be a sign of healing, growth, and ascension. You can read more about that here.

     EFT.  In my experience, I have found EFT to be the most effective technique to relieve anxiety.  A search on YouTube for EFT for health anxiety will yield a number of resources. Just tap along with the person doing the video.

     The Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is a powerful healing tool available to everyone. You can read my article on how to use the violet flame to clear fear here.

     Energy Healing. The state of your health is a reflection of the state of your energy. Energy healing is any energy-based modality that has a therapeutic effect on the state of your energy.  

    For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, go to my website to opt-in for a monthly energy report to receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Use the Violet Flame for Healing

     "It is so easy to take the violet flame and use it that I am certain that once you begin you will recognize that the violet flame ... joyously serves you and acts to cleanse your entire being."
 ~ Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Violet Flame: To Heal Body, Mind & Soul

     The violet flame is a powerful healing tool accessed through prayer, invocation, decree or meditation. It is not a religious ritual, but a spiritual healing practice available to anyone.

     The violet flame is a divine harmonizing energy that can transmute negativity, clear karmic blocks and heal body, mind and spirit - not only in you, but in the world! It works through dramatically increasing your vibrational frequency.

     When you invoke the violet flame, it permeates every cell and atom of your body. It fills the spaces within each cell where negative energy can collect. The violet flame speeds up and enhances the resonance of your body, mind and spirit. This acts like a centrifuge, spinning out energetic debris that manifest as negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as health issues.

     Through the synchronizing action of the violet flame, the free flow of energy and light throughout your being is restored, along with your innate ability to self heal. And all you have to do is to repeat a simple affirmation -- I AM the Violet Flame.

How to Use the Violet Flame

     Although using the violet flame is simple, it's important to first center yourself. And it's vitally important to invoke protection. Begin with a prayer of intention to the Ascended Masters and for protection in the name of God. The Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual beings who once walked the Earth and can teach us about different aspects of God. Ascended Master Saint Germain uses the violet flame to teach us how to free ourselves from physical, emotional, mental and spiritual obstruction.

    Here is an example of a prayer of intention and protection that you can use before invoking the violet flame: "In the name of my divine I AM presence, and the angels and Ascended Masters, I ask for assistance for myself and all souls on this planet who are in need, especially _______ (list names of people you wish to help). I ask this for the highest good of all. I call on Archangel Michael to protect me and seal me in white light. Thank you."

     The next step is to invoke the violet flame. You can use the decree below. As you repeat the decree, visualize a bonfire of violet fire nine feet high and six feet high. See yourself stepping into the flame, and the flame burning away all karmic debris - like burning chunks of wood or tar crackling in a violet fire. You can visualize those you wish to help inside the bonfire of violet flame with you.

     Sometimes people see a violet light after invoking the violet flame. When I invoke the violet flame with my eyes closed, sometimes when I open my eyes the light in the room will appear violet-hued.  I have also had dreams after invoking the violet flame that featured violet-colored objects.

     The violet flame is believed to be a three-fold flame of blue, pink and gold light. The sapphire blue light represents the divine masculine. The crystalline pink light represents the divine feminine. And the gold light represents our higher self and Christ consciousness. Enfolded together, these three flames of light balance love, power and wisdom, and activate transformation.

A Violet Flame Decree

     Here is a simple, powerful rhyming decree to use daily for 15 minutes and whenever you are feeling negative, or are in need of calming or healing. Begin reciting the decree slowly, gradually speeding up. This decree, along with more information, can be found in Violet Flame: To Heal Body, Mind & Soul by Elizabeth Claire Prophet. As with any healing technique, results are best realized over time through consistent use.

          I AM the violet flame, in action in me now;
          I AM the violet flame, to light alone I bow;
          I AM the violet flame in mighty cosmic power;
          I AM the light of God, shining every hour;
          I AM the violet flame blazing like the sun;
          I AM God's sacred power, freeing every one.


      For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

How to Feel Your Self-Worth

    "Self worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy."  ~ Dr. Wayne W Dyer, Change Your Thoughts - Change You Life

    If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? It would depend on whether that question was answered from the lower self or the higher self!

     The lower self is the part of you that lives from your wounds. This part lives small and in fear. The lower self thinks that only what you see and feel and touch is real. The lower self is the ego. The lower self would likely take the egocentric view that someone would have to be present to hear the tree fall for there to be a sound.

     The higher self is your spirit. Your higher self would likely answer the question with -- Of course the tree makes a sound! The laws of nature don't cease to operate in the absence of your presence!

     If there is no one in your life who recognizes your worth, do you still have value? Of course! Your value is as constant as the fact that heavy objects make a sound when they fall. It is your lower self that questions your self-worth. Your higher self knows that your value is unwavering. 

     But it can be difficult to hear the voice of your higher self when you are feeling low. Here is a healing affirmation to help you shift to your higher self:

     Even though the people in my life may not recognize my worth, I love and accept myself completely and deeply and I realize that people don't have the power to determine my worth.

      For more energy healing solutions for sensitive and creative women, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning books and energy healing online courses that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Monday, June 13, 2016

How to Heal Fear of the Unknown

   "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." ~ Joseph Campbell, Thou Art That

  My youngest son is graduating from high school today. My husband and I have had a child in school continuously for 26 years (28 if you count preschool). It is truly the end of an era, and the end of a way of life ruled by a school schedule and calendar. After hundreds of back to school nights, teacher conferences and endless practices and games in eight different sports -- it is hard to believe that it is all over.

     It is a graduation of sorts for me as well. And like any new graduate, the future is unknown and seems quite uncertain. With the family home now far too big, where will we live? How will my career evolve? How will my relationships change? What comes next? It's exhilarating and...scary.

Fear of the unknown

     Fear of the unknown is one of the most common fears. When you have been traumatized in the past, it can be difficult to trust in the future.

     In the film The Truman Show, in order to keep Truman from venturing beyond the boundaries of the town where his life was secretly being filmed, the producers created a fear of the unknown in Truman. This was accomplished by traumatizing young Truman through the staged, fake death of his father at sea. And it proved to be very effective until Truman became an adult and grew suspicious of the illusion.

Worrying about the future does not keep you safe

     The producers attempted to control adult Truman by manufacturing over-the-top disasters and crisis situations. This is exactly what we do to ourselves. We think that manufacturing disaster and crisis in our minds by imagining the worst possible scenarios of the future will keep us safe. But we can't keep our spirit from the truth any more than the producers could keep Truman from discovering the truth.

     The truth is FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real! The things you fear about the future are as big an illusion as those staged on The Truman Show. 

    Here is a healing affirmation to help you "graduate" from the fears that are holding you back from your amazing future:

    Even though I am afraid of the future because I have been traumatized by the past, I accept myself completely and deeply, including the part of me that is afraid. And I lovingly claim my power to create and manifest an abundant future.


      For more energy healing solutions for sensitive and creative women, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning books and energy healing online courses that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

What are ascension symptoms?

    "There's always another level up.  There's always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow."  ~ Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

      Last week I woke up after my usual eight hours of sleep, yet I still felt very tired.  After dragging myself through most of the morning, I gave up and crawled back into bed. As I lay there, I observed my mental, emotional and physical state. I felt vulnerable, emotional, dizzy and queasy. My stomach and head felt achy. I noticed vibrations moving around my body with an occasional tremor, and pressure sensations in my forehead and sides of my head as if my skull were expanding. And then I knew. I was experiencing another "upgrade" - also known as ascension symptoms.

What are Ascension Symptoms?

     Ascension symptoms are the symptoms that people experience as their body-mind-spirit ascends to a higher vibrational frequency. As we ascend we experience these periodic energetic upgrades as we spiritually awaken. Our energies are being synced to a divine frequency. During these episodes, denser energy that does not serve our highest good disintegrates. This can include relationships, careers, lifestyle habits, limiting thought and belief patterns. 

Ascension symptoms can include:
  • Increased sensitivity that affects eating, sleeping, and socializing patterns
  • Intense emotional states from feeling profound love for all living beings to anger to weepiness
  • Digestive issues, unexplained nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Unexplained body aches
  • Pressure sensations, tingling or pulsations in the head
  • Fatigue, restlessness
  • Feeling scattered and confused
  • Hot flashes, chills
  • Dizziness
  • Episodes of anxiety, racing thoughts, manic energy
  • Feeling vibrations, pulsing and tingling throughout the body, skin, or in specific areas
  • Episodes of frustration, agitation and impatience
  • Need for more solitude and quiet, especially outdoors
  • Signs of enhanced intuition -- "knowing" things before they happen (claircognizance), seeing (clairvoyance) and hearing (clairaudience) beyond normal perception
  • Seeing number sequences like 111, 222, 333, 444, etc repeatedly. 
  • Hearing high-pitched frequencies in the ears - brief ringing or squealing sounds
  • Feeling no longer in-sync with some family and friends, who may drop out of your life, or you drop out of theirs. 
     Cosmic events such as solar flairs, geomagnetic storms, planetary retrogrades, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, new moons and full moons all facilitate ascension. Ascension can come in the form of a healing crisis that looks like acute illness, but is actually a "house cleaning" to clear our what needs to go to experience life at a higher vibration. This can be experienced as flu-like symptoms, followed by greater clarity and enhanced energy level.

What to do if you are experiencing ascending symptoms

     First of all -- congratulations!  You are among many souls who have chosen to awaken to their higher purpose. Although ascension can at times be difficult, the more you can embrace it, the quicker you will integrate the higher energies. Remember that the symptoms are temporary, and with each ascension episode you will experience greater health, joy, clarity and happiness on your journey to fulfill your life purpose!

     Here are some suggestions to help you:
  • Nurture yourself with loving self-talk
  • Drink extra water
  • Take baths with Epsom salts added for clearing
  • Spend time in high-frequency activities like meditating, being outdoors, listening to meditation music, journaling
  • Use high frequency products like flower essences and essential oils
    Click HERE to learn more about what to expect with the integration of each ascension upgrade.

       For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

How to Discover Your Life Purpose

     "When astrology is approached from a level of true open-minded understanding, it leads directly to unconditional love."  ~ Jan Spiller, Astrology for the Soul

     Would you like to learn more about your life purpose? Your life purpose is ruled by the astrological sign position of the North Node at the time of your birth, and the astrological sign that rules the house that the North Node was in at the time of your birth.

     I am not an astrologer in the traditional sense, as I do not do readings for individuals. But I incorporate astrology into everything I do as an energy healing entrepreneur. I follow the mathematically-based system of astrology built on thousands of years of observation because of the energetic effects the movements of the planets have on us and our lives. Many astrologers believe that your North Node is the single most important point in your chart because it can connect you to your destiny.

     The North Node is like the North Star of your life - guiding the unfolding of your soul during your lifetime.  If you know the two signs that rule your North Node, you know what to focus on to experience happiness and fulfillment of your life mission.

Discovering Your North Node

     I will give you a link and instructions to identify the basic information you need to understand your purpose. But for a more thorough exploration of your north node, I recommend the book Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller. At the front of the book, locate the sign of your North Node by finding your birth date within the time frames on the chart. Then read the section on that sign in the book.  It will help you identify:
  •  a career path
  •  attributes to develop
  •  tendencies to leave behind
  •  past life aspects
  •  conflicts and needs
  •  relationship issues
  •  goals
   The book cannot tell you what house your north node is in.  But you can identify BOTH the sign of your north node and the house it is in HERE. Enter the month, date, year, time and location of your birth. If you do not know the time of your birth, you can only identify the sign of your north node, not the house it was in, since the north node travels through all 12 houses each day.

  In the results, you will see a circular chart, divided into 12 sections like pieces of a pie. These are the "houses." The houses are numbered 1-12.  You will see the numbers near the center of the circle.

     Now look for this symbol:

 Which house does the north node symbol appear in? In this screenshot, the symbol is in the 9th house:

     Now look at this list to identify which sign rules that house:
  • 1st house:   Aries (independent innovator)
  • 2nd house:  Taurus (master builder)
  • 3rd house:   Gemini (connecting communicator)
  • 4th house:   Cancer (instinctive nurturer)
  • 5th house:   Leo (creative leader)
  • 6th house:   Virgo (compassionate healer)
  • 7th house:   Libra (empowering collaborator)
  • 8th house:   Scorpio (passionate transformer)
  • 9th house:   Sagittarius (intuitive teacher)
  • 10th house: Capricorn (empathic manager)
  • 11th house: Aquarius (unconventional networker)
  • 12th house: Pisces (spiritual seeker)
    If you don't have Jan Spiller's book, you can identify which sign the north node was in with that same link.  In the results, look at the list of planets to the left of the circular chart.  Look for the words "True Node."  To the right of those words will be the sign, abbreviated to 3 letters. (Ari is Aries, Tau is Taurus, Gem is Gemini, etc)

    Now you know the two signs that rule your life purpose -- the sign that was in the North Node position when you were born, and the sign that rules the house that the North Node was in. Studying the sections in the book for these two signs will give you the full picture of your life purpose.

     If you don't have the book, I have included a two-word description next to each sign as it relates to purpose. For example, I was born when the north node was in Libra, in my 9th house ruled by Sagittarius. Putting together the two-word descriptions, this means that my life purpose is to be an intuitive teacher who empowers, uplifts and collaborates with others.

Surprising Results

     You may be surprised by what is revealed about your purpose, because the two-word description I use may not seem to describe you! This is because your purpose is not necessarily what comes easily to you. It may be something you actually struggle with. But if you choose to live your life in the direction of your purpose, the growth that occurs by doing so will reveal your hidden gifts and talents.

     For example, if your North Node is in Capricorn, your tendency is likely to look to others to tell you what to do.  But if you choose to take charge, you will find you actually have a gift for understanding and managing yourself, others, organizations, etc.  If your North Node is in the 3rd house ruled by Gemini, you may struggle with communicating and connecting to others. However, your efforts in those areas will reveal you are actually gifted at both!

Living Your Purpose

     The reason why it is important to know the two signs that rule your life purpose is this: When you aren't living your life in alignment with your purpose, it can be like swimming upstream - exhausting and ineffective. Success in life comes through working in cooperation with your soul's desires, not against! I share this from personal experience. My purpose is to collaborate with others, but I have an independent streak that makes this very difficult.  I have learned the hard way that continuing my independent ways is ultimately unsatisfying and unsuccessful.  Take it from me: make the 2-word description of your nodal sign and nodal ruling house sign your mantra, and life can become more ease-full!

Your Lightworker Purpose

     Lightworkers are individuals who are sensitive to energy and feel a calling to heal people, animals, or social and environmental issues. While most lightworkers are aware that they want to make a difference in the world, they can be uncertain as to what exactly they are here to do. If you are a lightworker (click HERE to read more about lightworker signs) it can be helpful to look at your nodal sign rulers to help guide you in your lightworker purpose.

     Here are 5 examples of lightworkers I know living their purpose, but keep in mind that your purpose is unique to you.  And you may have to break a few rules along the way to follow YOUR path, not someone else's.
  • A lightworker colleague with Cancer-Aquarian nodal rulers (instinctive nurturer-unconventional networker) has created an online network that supports lightworkers and shares their unconventional knowledge with the world. 
  • A lightworker client of mine with Taurus-Pisces nodal rulers (master builder-spiritual seeker) has built a successful spiritually-based coaching business.
  • Another of my lightworker clients with Capricorn-Libra nodal rulers (empathic manager-empowering collaborator) co-manages and empowers a group of creatives.
  • I know a lightworker with Sagittarius-Scorpio nodal rulers (spiritual teacher-passionate transformer) who teaches a course to those who seek to reconnect with their passion and transform their career after a job loss. 
  • I also know a lightworker with Virgo-Taurus nodal rulers (compassionate healer-master builder) who has built a sanctuary for the healing of abused animals. 
    The purpose of a lightworker often involves holding space for others -- sometimes holding space for large numbers of people, or large organizations. The ability to do this may require significant personal growth and evolution that involves a shift from living in fear and living small, to living from the heart and living big. Because of the inner work involved in this shift to living your unique and authentic life, finding your unique path, and healing from difficult life situations, some lightworkers do not achieve success in their purpose until later in life. Or that success may unfold as steps. Lightworkers can become frustrated with the process. If you are feeling frustrated, I have embedded links to numerous helpful articles in this paragraph! On the other hand, some lightworkers are born ready to actualize their purpose and start doing so from a very young age.  

     I hope you enjoyed discovering more about your life purpose! Looking at your personal numerology can also shed light on your purpose. Learn more HERE.

For more information about your personal north node astrology, consult a professional astrologer.

      For more energy healing solutions for sensitives and creatives, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning booksoracle cards and guided meditations that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health!

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

What Happens When You Live Without Expectations

    "I let go of all expectations. People, places and things are free to be themselves, and I am free to be me."           ~ Louise Hay, The Power is Within You

   A few years ago I went on an anniversary trip with my husband. As much as I enjoyed it, on the day of our departure I felt ready to go home. I missed my cats, my dogs and my son.

     We arrived at the airport with our packed bags, only to find out that our flight had been cancelled without notification. And our airline had no reciprocal agreement with other airlines, so we couldn't transfer our flight to another carrier. There was no way of getting around it... we simply were not going home that day.

     As we left the airport, I felt utterly frustrated. It took a while to realize the gift I had been given -- a completely unplanned day free of any expectations. A blank slate. We drove with no destination and no agenda.

     I don't shake off frustration as easily as my husband. I was still in a bit of a funk when he felt inexplicably drawn to take a particular exit off the interstate. And as we drove into the town, he noticed an entrance to a shrine. "Would you like to check it out?" he asked. "Sure," I said. Why not. I had nothing better to do.

     It turned out the shrine was a national pilgrimage site steeped in over 400 years of history. As I walked the waterfront grounds under live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss, I had a deeply moving experience. It was certainly the most profound day of the trip... of the year! The visions I received while meditating there are still unfolding to this day. And it never would have happened if the flight hadn't been cancelled.

Living Without Expectations

     While my unexpected day happened spontaneously, what would happen if you consciously chose to let go of expectations?  What if you surrendered the outcome of your day and allowed it to unfold in the moment? You would experience:
  • Less stress and disappointment
  • More peace
  • Enhanced well-being  
  • Unexpected insights and blessings!
   Spend a day, or an afternoon free of expectations and see how it unfolds. Pay attention to what you feel drawn to do, where you feel drawn to go, and who crosses your path. It could change your life!

      For more energy healing solutions for sensitive and creative women, subscribe to this blog and go to my website to subscribe to my newsletter and receive a FREE recording "3 Keys to Removing the Blocks to Getting What You Want in Life" and a power-packed Energy Medicine Resource Bundle with handouts for my most effective energy healing skills! While you are there, check out my award-winning books and energy healing online courses that can teach you everything you need to know to live a healing way of life and awaken your greater health.

     Thank you for supporting this blog by using the amazon link embedded in this article for ANY purchase.  Your support is greatly appreciated!